Hey there, I’m Petra and I’m a freelance content writer with a love for travel, hiking, Budapest and Ireland, and books.
I wrote my first blog when I was 12. I only talked about my school grades, but it was the start of my love for online writing. I absolutely adore blogging—it’s through blogging and writing that I met my best friends and found my content marketing passion!
Since then, I’ve had dozens of blogs. Currently, I’m running Doen in Boedapest (“To do in Budapest”), where I help people plan an authentic trip to Budapest. It combines my passion for writing with my love for travel and Budapest.
My superpower is coming up with subjects to write about for every business. Yes, I mean every business! This is a skill I learned during my first internship back in university when I worked for an online marketing agency in the north of the Netherlands. I wrote website copy and blogs for all kinds of businesses, from cheese shops to agricultural businesses, sail schools and showrooms, and even a website for a manure collection company!
When I’m not writing, I’m probably out hiking, exploring my current hometown (I like to move around the world), curling up on the couch with a book, or daydreaming about future travels.
Quick Facts
- I’m an aspiring polyglot! I write and speak Dutch and English (US/UK) and my Hungarian is at an A1 level (which means I can survive in a supermarket without Google Translate). I’d like to learn Italian or Spanish, a Scandinavian language, and Arabic or another language from the Middle-East.
- I completed two half marathons—that counts as one full one, right?
- One day (or well…month) I will hike the Jordan Trail, a 650+ km or ~40 day hiking trail running from the north of the country all the way down to Aqaba in the south.
- My aim is to read 20+ books a year. It’s a lot easier now that I have an e-reader, started reading self-development books, and read short and quick romances for some of my author clients.
Core Values
Happiness and spending time with intention: No one has time for life on auto-pilot. Instead, figure out what makes you happy and incorporate that in your life. I absolutely love writing all day every day, set goals daily, and keep a gratitude journal. (I highly recommend this course on the Science of Well-Being by Yale professor Laurie Santos if you’re interested in happiness!)
Flexible lifestyle: I’m all about that healthy work-life balance and flexibility to move my schedule around when needed. I thrive on being productive for clients while also maintaining a full non-work life with friends and family, passion projects, and self-care.
Self-development: There’s so much to learn to become a better and happier writer, business owner, and person. Some of my core strengths are a love of learning and curiosity, so you’ll always find me reading at least one self-development book and enrolled in a course to learn something new.
Humanity ❤: It’s important to take care of each other and our planet. I give back by learning about important issues, donating to charity, and volunteering my time, skills, and resources. For example, I plant a tree through One Tree Planted for every deliverable completed.